What are SARMs?



Most athletes, especially bodybuilders, are already aware of the severe side effects brought by steroids and prohormone compounds. The good news is that there’s a rising alternative for these substances without causing so many side effects; this compound category is SARM.

In this article, we’re going to discuss everything you should know about SARMs. If you haven’t heard about using these compounds for training routines, you’re probably curious why most recreational users vouch for these. Despite the lack of supporting studies on some SARM compounds, anecdotal reports from bodybuilders make them seem promising. Read on and discover how SARMs can change everyone’s fitness game.

What are SARMS?

SARM or Selective Androgen Receptors Modulator is a compound group that shares similar working mechanisms upon ingestion. The way these substances work is to selectively choose androgen receptors and bind to them without disrupting other areas of your body. This type of drug was first developed in the 1940s; it wasn’t until the 1990s that SARMs became available for everyone.

The most significant benefit of using a SARM is that you’ll experience strength increase, weight loss, and muscle mass gain without the dangers of severe side effects. The best part is that these compounds work well even in low dosages.

What are the Different Forms of SARMs?

You may encounter the different forms of these substances as you’re researching about them, so we’ve listed these forms below:

Powder SARMs

These substances are the most convenient to handle because the users can make it either a liquid or capsule supplement.

Liquid SARMs

This is the most common form you’ll see in the market. Liquid SARMs are generally easy to store, which means these can last a long time.

Capsule SARMs

Among the three, capsule SARMs are the easiest to consume because you won’t have to measure them every time you’re taking a dose. However, only a few legitimate distributors produce capsule SARMs.

Are SARMs legal?

Generally, most SARMs are yet to be approved by the FDA for human consumption. This being said, you can still purchase these compounds, but only under the label “Research Chemical”. You’re only allowed to use this for personal research purposes because it’s not yet deemed as a nutritional supplement.

There’s a different case of legality in Australia, though. The country has a different set of rules regarding the distribution and usage of SARMs. You need a doctor’s prescription in order to get one under your possession.

SARMs are also widely prohibited from most sports events, including the Olympics. USADA (United States Anti-Doping Agency) and WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) also bans the usage of SARMS.

Do SARMs Have Side Effects?

As mentioned, SARM compounds can still cause side effects, but none of these can compare to the ones that come with using steroids and other anabolic substances. Most SARMs lack clinical research and trials, so it’s hard to point out short-term and long-term side effects. Still, this never stopped athletes and bodybuilders from getting the incredible benefits out of SARMs.

Do SARMs Require a PCT?

Some SARMs have more suppressive properties than others. For example, people who take YK11 and S23 need to undergo post-cycle therapy. Other SARM compounds don’t require it, as long as you’re taking the right dosage regularly. Your body will naturally recover your testosterone production level after your cycle.

Do SARM Compounds Cause Cancer?

According to research studies regarding SARMs, there are no data that links these substances to cancer. The good news is that some SARM are undergoing clinical research and trials to become a potential treatment for a few cancer types.

What Substances are Classified as SARMs?

As of today, here are the following compounds under this supplement group:

According to anecdotal reports from regular users, the SARMs that deliver incredible benefits the most are Testolone, Ligandrol, and Ostarine.


Despite SARMs being relatively new in the field, there’s no doubt that these compounds will continue to rise among athletes and bodybuilders. SARMs can be closely compared to steroids because of their fantastic advantages and results; however, recreational users highly prefer this because of the minimal side effects SARMs can cause, as opposed to the steroids’ case.

Keep in mind that these substances are not yet approved by the FDA for human ingestion, so consume them with caution. Ensure that you’re also getting SARMs from legitimate and reputable providers for the best results.

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