Ostarine (MK-2866)

Ostarine is considered one of the most popular SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) for bodybuilding. For the past years, the buzz about Ostarine had grown, especially when many athletes and weightlifters tested positive for Ostarine. Throughout this article, we’re going to provide you with a comprehensive guide regarding this substance. Is it really safe for human use? What’s the standard dosage for a specific cycle? Find those out below.
What’s Ostarine?
Ostarine, also referred to as MK-2866, is famous for its benefits and successful bodybuilding results. The technical details about this compound still vary; however, we know that Ostarine has been in the industry for decades. It wasn’t until 1997 that it was recognized as a substance under GTx Incorporated. Since then, MK-2866 has been in the process of clinical research and trials.
Regardless, most studies acknowledge Ostarine as a powerful substance for muscle-building that delivers fewer side effects than other SARMs.
How does Ostarine Work?
The MK-2866 works similarly with other SARMs, which follows a process of selectively choosing androgen receptors in your body and binding onto them. This compound instantly works after you ingest it, sending signals to your muscles to repair and grow. While Ostarine’s results lean more towards what effects steroids bring you, the way it works is very different, mainly because there’s no aromatization taking place.
Is Ostarine Legal?
Like other SARMs, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) banned the usage of Ostarine during competitions. Keep in mind that if you tested positive for this MK-2866, you could get disqualified from the sports event.
Still, Ostarine can be legally purchased for personal use. It’s also legal to sell it under the category “research chemical”.
Ostarine Benefits
The reason why Ostarine is very famous among bodybuilders is its abundance in benefits. The compound’s effectiveness has been proven across various clinical studies. Below are the advantages you can gain when taking MK-2866:
Fast Muscle Growth
This benefit is the primary reason why athletes love taking MK-2866. People who’ve used this substance reported evident rapid muscle growth, even on small dosages like 3mg daily.
Increased Rate of Fat Loss
Because of Ostarine’s anabolic nature, it allows your body to burn calories at a faster rate while building your muscles. Simply put, the MK-2866 speeds up your metabolism.
Improved Bone Density
Not only does MK-2866 provide you with impressive muscle mass benefits, but it also increases your bone density. Additionally, it’s currently undergoing clinical research to become a possible substance effective in preventing bone fractures brought by bone-wasting illnesses.
Ostarine Side Effects
Joint Pain
Increased Hunger
Lower Levels of Testosterone
Back Acne
Decreased HDL
Ostarine Half-Life
Based on its details, Ostarine has a half-life of 24 hours, which means you need to take a normal dose of MK-2866 daily for stability and maintenance. It doesn’t matter whether you have it during mornings or evenings; you just need to take a dose once within a 24-hour period each day.
Ostarine Dosage and Cycle Length
When taking Ostarine, the proper dosage is 15mg daily for an 8-week cycle. After the initial cycle, you’ll undergo PCT. This is how your cycle would look like:
- Week 1 to 8: Take 15mg MK-2866 daily.
- Week 9 to 12: Start the PCT.
- Week 12 to 16: Have your break from taking SARMs.
You should give yourself at least 4 weeks between your whole cycle; this process is to provide your body enough time to recover.
Ostarine PCT
Just like other SARMs, a PCT is essential after the cycle to restore an individual’s testosterone levels. Generally, there are two methods you can do to undergo PCT: the first one to take an over-the-counter testosterone booster, and the second is to use Nolvadex (this is recommended for people who took a higher dose of Ostarine).
Even with its evident muscle-building benefits, Ostaline is a mild form of SARM. It’s famous among athletes, especially with bodybuilders, because of its remarkable advantages without posing severe side effects.
Lastly, it’s important to note that the MK-2866 is still under clinical studies and trials, so be cautious in using this supplement.
Immediately after you ingest this substance, it goes straight to work and binds to the androgen receptors in your system. Once the process starts, your body will be signalled to increase your metabolism rate and build and repair your muscles.
Overall, the dosage between 10mg and 25mg already guarantees impressive results; however, some who get a higher dose take up 50mg daily. We recommend the 25mg dosage because you’ll have optimum advantages while avoiding severe side effects.