Andarine (S-4)



Andarine, also referred to as S4, is categorized as a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator or SARM. If you’re searching for an in-depth guide about this supplement, you’re reading the right article. Here, we discuss everything you need to know about Andarine, including its legality, benefits, side effects, and more!

What’s Andarine?

As mentioned, Andarine is a SARM that focuses on handling fat loss and muscle growth among users. GTx Pharmaceuticals primarily created S4 to become a treatment for individuals who are experiencing muscle loss. However, athletes and bodybuilders found out that recreational users will enjoy muscle mass benefits when they take Andarine. In fact, most users vouch that this supplement is one of the most effective SARMs currently available.

How does Andarine Work?

S4 works by targeting selected androgen receptors in your system and attaching to them upon supplement ingestion. In this sense, SARM’s working process looks similar to that of steroids; however, the difference is that steroids have more evident side effects because it doesn’t have a selective operation.

As the outcome, S4 releases an anabolic effect, which positively stimulates fat loss, muscle growth, and improved endurance.

Is Andarine Legal?

Generally, Andarine can be legally bought and sold under the label “Research Chemical”; this implies that you’re only purchasing it for personal research purposes. S4 hasn’t been set for FDA’s approval yet, so it can’t be classified as something that’s safe for human consumption.

While you can get Andarine without legal fines across the globe, take Australia as an exemption. They have a different set of laws regarding SARMs, and you can’t use Andarine unless you have a doctor’s prescription. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the United States Anti-Doping Authority (USADA) forbid the use of this compound, especially on sports events and professional competitions.

Andarine Benefits

Throughout the years, Andarine has become one of the most popular SARMs sworn by most athletes and bodybuilders. We’ll explain its incredible benefits below:

Improved Muscle Mass Growth

People believe that S4 does wonders when it comes to muscle building. Andarine is effective for shredding; this process helps you gain muscles while burning fats at the same time.

Increased Muscle Strength

As your muscle-building takes place, your strength will increase as you continue your cycle and train. Some users even reported that they were able to maintain this added strength by maintaining their routine.

Rapid Recovery

If you don’t give your body enough time to recover, you won’t be able to train hard to encourage further muscle growth. Andarine cuts the average 72-hour gym recovery into 24 hours so that you can spend more time training.

Fat Loss

Taking Andarine speeds up fat loss and keeps up with your muscle mass, especially on a calorie maintenance diet. Still, keep in mind that this advantage results heavily in how you handle your training routines and diet throughout your cycle.

Andarine Side Effects

Andarine doesn’t have as much research information as Ostarine or LGD-4033, so there aren’t that many details about its short-term and long-term side effects. However, reports from users show that using S4 can result in two side effects.


This side effect is very common when using SARMs. During the cycle, the supplement disrupts and suppresses your body’s natural testosterone production. Remember that suppression isn’t much of a worry, especially if you’re taking high-quality and pure S4. Your testosterone production will go back to normal within several weeks after your Andarine cycle.


During the third cycle week, people have complained about having vision impairment like having a yellowy frame and longer vision adjustments in the light or dark. While it seems like this is something to worry about, this side effect will go away on its own once you finish your cycle.

Andarine Half-Life

Based on supporting studies, Andarine has a half-life of 8 hours. With that being said, you should split your normal dosage into two or three parts to maintain the compound’s level in your system. If you decided to split your dose into two, take one in the morning and the second one before bed. If you went for splitting your dosage into three parts, have the first one in the morning, the second part in lunchtime, and the third before bed.

Andarine Dosage and Cycle Length

According to its clinical research, it’s highly recommended to take an S4 dosage of 50mg per day. People who take this dosage claim to have optimal results with minimal side effects encountered. Of course, you’ll need to split this dosage into two, so don’t forget about taking 25mg during breakfast and another 25mg during dinner. Stick your cycle between 8 to 12 weeks for the best effects.

Andarine PCT

Because S4 isn’t as suppressive as other SARMs compounds, you don’t have to undergo a PCT after your cycle. Give your body enough time to recover your testosterone production in a few weeks. Just ensure that you’re taking legitimate Andarine; a bunk S4 would be more suppressive and would cause you more severe side effects, so avoid buying this compound from random sellers.


To wrap it up, Andarine is one of the SARM supplements that guarantee fantastic results in fat loss, improved muscle growth, and rapid recovery. The bonus part about this is that you don’t need to undergo PCT after your cycle. If you’re taking this, be mindful that you need to split your dose every day!


Most bodybuilders prefer using this supplement because of its evident results in fat loss acceleration and developed lean muscles.
At best, its recommended dosage is 50mg. Users have reported that 50mg is the balanced dosage that brings optimum results while having fewer side effects during the cycle.
Andarine has a half-life of 8 hours, which means you need to split your dose into two per day. If you’re taking 50 mg, you should take the first 25mg in the morning and the other half at night.
Does Andarine need a PCT? A PCT isn’t required after your S4 cycle because this compound is not as suppressive as other SARMs. Additionally, you won’t need to undergo post-cycle therapy if you’re taking pure and high-quality Andarine.

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