LGD-4033 (Ligandrol)



Ligandrol, also referred to as LGD-4033, is categorized as a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). Ligandrol Pharmaceuticals created LGD-4033 to combat muscle and bone-wasting diseases. It’s known to have abilities on muscle growth and maintenance; this is why Ligandrol is famous among athletes and bodybuilders. Read this in-depth guide to find out more about this supplement and know basic details like its proper dosage, benefits, side effects, and more!

What is LGD-4033?

Ligandrol is a SARM compound, which is currently undergoing research and clinical tests to become a treatment for diseases related to muscles and bones. Together with Ostarine, this substance is one of the SARMs backed up by heavy research information. It’s in the second stage of clinical trials, and it’s close to getting to the final stage. Soon, it would undergo the FDA’s approval process for approval.

How does LGD-4033 Work?

As mentioned, Ligandrol is a SARM; this means that its working process consists of selectively targeting androgen receptors in your system and binding to them. While you can closely compare SARMs with steroids in terms of their effects, but steroids have more notable side effects than SARMs.

As a result, you can enjoy the advantages of having evident muscle growth and an increase in strength.

Is LGD-4033 Legal?

Ligandrol, like many SARMs in the market, is not FDA-approved. Still, LGD-4033 is undergoing clinical trials to be legally approved for human consumption. For now, you can always buy and sell it online; however, Ligandrol is categorized as a “Research Chemical” and is only legally available for personal research purposes.

LGD-4033 Benefits

There’s a reason behind why athletes and bodybuilders prefer to use this SARM. Here are the advantages you can expect from taking Ligandrol:

Increase in Muscle Mass

This benefit is the primary effect of LGD-4033 because it directly works on your muscle upon ingestion. Its clinical trials proved that Ligandrol has a powerful impact on muscle-building, even with a low dosage throughout the cycle. Remember that you still need to maintain your diet and training sessions to get the best results.

Fast recovery

To achieve your fitness goals, you need to train hard. But you can't continue training when your body is still sore from your last session; you need to give yourself time to rest and then go back to training again. If you want to get the body of your dreams, you need to train hard and fast. This is why quick recovery is important. The good news is that Ligandrol can drastically reduce the recovery time you need. From the usual 72-hour recovery, most people just require 24 hours when taking LGD-4033.

Improved Bone Health

Bones are the framework of our body, so you can't form lean muscles without solid bones. LGD-4033 increases our bone's mineral absorption, making it stronger. With healthy bones, you'll be able to avoid serious bone injuries.

Increase in Strength

Individual users have reported that Ligandrol provided them with a tremendous amount of strength increase. This benefit is advantageous among athletes and bodybuilders because they'll be able to train more with increased strength.

LGD-4033 Side Effects

As mentioned, Ligandrol is undergoing clinical trials, so there’s heaps of research information available, and we can discuss its side effects better. Some of the minor side effects of LGD-4033 that rarely happen among users include insomnia, joint pain, mild hair loss, headache, and testicle pain. The two primary side effects of taking this supplement are water retention and suppression. Find out more below:

Water Retention

This effect is more of like an individual thing, and not everyone using Ligandrol experiences it. There's nothing to worry about water retention, though, because it naturally disappears after a few weeks when the cycle has been completed.


This side effect mainly points out the disruption of natural testosterone production. For some people, this is barely noticeable, especially because one's body can naturally recover from it. If you're taking a high-quality and pure LGD-4033 and sticking to the right dosage, you won't have to worry about encountering this side effect.

LGD-4033 Half-Life

Based on the studies done on Ligandrol, its half-life is 24 hours; this means that you should take the proper dosage once every day. Don’t worry about missing a dosage because you can just take it the next day. Do NOT take double doses if you missed one, as it would mess up your cycle, and you’d be susceptible to more side effects.

LGD-4033 Dosage and Cycle Length

Since Ligandrol has been proven its effectiveness even in small doses, you won’t have to take as much dosage as other SARMs. A dose between 2.5mg to 15mg daily is sufficient for you. If you’re just getting started, it’s highly recommended that you begin with a lower dosage and increase it along the way. For the cycles, studies advise that you use Ligandrol daily for 8 to 12 weeks for the best results with minimal side effects.

LGD-4033 PCT

If you’re wondering whether you need to undergo a PCT when taking Ligandrol, the short answer is no. Make sure that you’re using high-quality and pure LGD-4033 and taking the right dosage so that PCT won’t be necessary for your case.


Among other SARMs, Ligandrol stands as one of the best because of its known benefits and the substantial research and clinical trials behind it. LGD-4033 works magic when it comes to muscle building, fat loss, and fast recovery. It also doesn’t pose serious side effects, especially when you’re taking the pure and legitimate one. To experience optimum results, ensure that you’re purchasing from a trusted company.


LGD-4033 or Ligandrol is a supplement classified as SARM, which delivers results the same with steroids; however, this substance has fewer side effects.
The recommended dosage for this substance is 2.5mg to 15mg daily.

This supplement has a half-life of 24 hours, which means you should take the proper dose once daily or within the 24-hour mark.

No, PCT isn’t required. Just ensure that you’re taking a pure and high-quality Ligandrol, and your body will naturally recover.

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