


If you search about the most potent SARMs currently available, the list won’t be complete without YK11. Most athletes and bodybuilders vouch for this compound because of its incredible benefits. In this article, we’re going to provide you with an in-depth discussion on YK11. Find out more about this supplement below.

What’s YK11?

YK11 is one of the unique compounds you can find in the market, mainly because it’s a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) and a myostatin inhibitor at the same time. This compound was initially developed to become a powerful medical solution for muscle-wasting illnesses. However, it wasn’t long before recreational users found out that YK11 can help them with their training routines.
Because YK11 is a SARM, it’s powerful enough to encourage muscle growth. It’s also a myostatin inhibitor, so it’s very effective in bringing out your body’s natural bodybuilding elements. This compound isn’t backed up with research, but reports from regular users point that YK11 is a potent supplement for muscle-building.

Is YK11 Legal?

In terms of YK11’s legality, consider how legal it is to buy and sell SARMs. Generally, these compound types are legal to be purchased under the label “Research Chemical”, which means usage of YK11 is only for research purposes and not for human consumption. This supplement is yet to be approved by the FDA for legal human usage.

SARMs can be legally worldwide, except in Australia, because it has a different set of laws regarding these compounds. You can only take YK11 with your doctor’s prescription. Additionally, YK11 is prohibited among sports events, including the Olympics, for obvious advantages. This substance has also been banned by WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) and USADA (United States Anti-Doping Agency).

YK11 Benefits

Despite the minimal research YK11 has, recreational users have claimed that this substance guarantees incredible benefits due to its anabolic effects. Below, we listed and explained each advantage you can encounter when taking YK11:

  • Increased and Accelerated Muscle Growth
  • Strengthened Bones
  • Improved Physical Strength

Increased and Accelerated Muscle Growth

As a SARM, YK11 is a very potent compound that high encourages muscle growth throughout the cycle. The addition of the Myostatin inhibitor element also helps you gain that lean muscle build as you go along your training routines.

Strengthened Bones

According to YK11’s studies, this substance boosts the production of activated Protein Kinase B (PKB) in your system. PKB plays a vital role in bone cell growth in your body; this means that YK11 is an effective improvement factor for both your muscles and bones.

Improved Physical Strength

Recreational users claimed that ingesting YK11 regularly provided them with long-lasting strength week after week. This benefit is important in muscle-building because you’ll be able to increase your lifts as your cycle goes by.

YK11 Side Effects

Due to the fact that YK11 lacks further research, there are not enough clinical studies and trials made on this supplement. Therefore, we’re only relying on users’ anecdotal reports to pinpoint possible side effects of using this substance. One side effect we’re very certain, though, is suppression in your body’s natural testosterone production. Aside from that, here are some of the potential side effects you might encounter when you use YK11:

Joint Pain


Hair Loss


Lowered Libido


YK11 Half-Life

According to the YK11 studies, this supplement has a half-life of 12 hours. At this rate, you’ll need to split your dosage into two so that you’ll be able to maintain the compound levels for optimum results. You can take the first half of your dosage in the morning and the other half in the evening.

YK11 Dosage and Cycle Length

As mentioned, YK11 lacks clinical trials on human consumption, so there’s no concrete dosage recommendation. However, most bodybuilders stick to a low dosage ingestion because of this compound’s robust effects. You can choose to set your dosage between 10mg to 20mg, depending on how many benefits and side effects you’re anticipating.


YK11 is classified as a SARM, which has suppressive side effects on your testosterone production; however, you can choose not to undergo PCT since you’ll be susceptible to other side effects. You can let yourself recover naturally after your cycle.


Overall, YK11 is considered as one of the most potent SARMs, primarily because of its Myostatin inhibiting properties. It may not have sufficient clinical studies, but lots of bodybuilders have already been praising this supplement because of its evident results. Ensure that you only get YK11 from reputable companies to avoid ingesting a bunk version of this compound.


YK11 is classified as a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) and a Myostatin inhibitor.
Initially, YK11 is primarily for treating muscle-wasting illnesses. Athletes and bodybuilders take this supplement to enhance their performance at the gym during their training. YK11 potentially encourages muscle mass growth and strengthening of the bones.
YK11, like any other SARMs, have a slight suppression effect on your testosterone production; however, undergoing a PCT itself can cause you more side effects. That being said, PCT is recommended after your training cycles, but you can let your body recover naturally to avoid PCT side effects.

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