Stenabolic (SR9009)



Stenabolic, also referred to as SR9009, is one of those supplements that most people mistake for a SARM. That being said, it’s also a controversial compound that many athletes and bodybuilders tend to use for muscle-building purposes. If you’re curious about Stenabolic, you’ve come to the right place because we’re going to have a comprehensive discussion in this article.

What is Stenabolic?

Stenabolic or SR9009 is a substance that’s known as a ReV-Erba Receptor Agonist. While people refer to this as something along the lines of SARM, it doesn’t fall in that category. Initially, Stenabolic was created by Professor Thomas Burris as a medical solution for diseases connected to metabolic and cardiovascular aspects. It’s also important to note that this compound helps you have a better understanding of your Circadian rhythm or the internal body clock you have in your body.

While these are the effects based on its research findings, recreational users discovered that this substance could also improve one’s endurance and help with fast weight loss.

How does Stenabolic Work?

Stenabolic’s working process is similar to Cardarine because both compounds bind to ReV-Erba receptors in your system; this operation sends signals to your body to increase your mitochondria levels. As a result, you’ll experience a drastic increase in energy and endurance rate.

These effects are the reason why SR9009 is sought after by recreational users. Most people believe that consuming this compound helped them lose weight and improve their endurance during their cycle. Let’s find out more about Stenabolic’s benefits later on.

Is Stenabolic Legal?

In terms of legalities, Stenabolic is only legal to buy and sell across the globe under the label, “Research Chemical”. This means that you can only purchase this compound for the purpose of personal research. The SR9009 is yet to be approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), and until then, this supplement is deemed as “not for human consumption”. That said, you should be careful in finding legitimate companies that sell real and pure Stenabolic. Taking a bunk SR9009 can cause you side effects and compromised results.

Stenabolic Benefits

As mentioned, Stenabolic is meant to be a treatment for metabolism and cardiovascular-related illnesses. Still, healthy athletes and bodybuilders who aim to achieve their fitness goals utilize this compound for another set of advantages. Here are the benefits you can expect upon consuming SR9009:

  • Accelerated Weight Loss
  • Improved Endurance
  • Increase in Energy

Accelerated Weight Loss

Stenabolic works such that the compound utilizes your fatty acids and turns them into your body's primary fuel source. This operation encourages rapid fat loss and improvements in your cholesterol levels once you consume it regularly.

Improved Endurance

Most people take this supplement because of its powerful benefits when it comes to increasing endurance and stamina levels. Upon ingestion, you can expect a higher rush of endurance, which can help you with muscle retention along your cycle.

Increase in Energy

Another benefit you can get from Stenabolic is increased energy levels, which is very important during training routines. The more energy you have, the better because you'll be able to spend more time in the gym to train harder.

Stenabolic Side Effects

There are some reports that point out to SR9009’s side effects; however, some people have claimed to encounter minimal effects like sleeping difficulties, headaches, and nausea. Still, the studies that support Stenabolic don’t prove nor disprove these claims. There is only a little information, so we don’t really have further details on long-term side effects.

Stenabolic Half-Life

According to studies, Stenabolic has a very short half-life of 4-5 hours; this means that you need to take multiple sets of dosages to maintain your system’s compound levels and get its full benefits. This reason is partly why users opt for Cardarine if they’re going to use a PPAR Agonist because it has the same outcome but requires less dosage per day.

Stenabolic Dosage and Cycle Length

As of now, there’s no real data about the recommended Stenabolic dosage since it hasn’t undergone human trials. Still, most users believe that following a range of 10mg to 40mg dosage. Keep in mind that Stenabolic’s results are highly dose-dependent, which means you’ll get better results along with more side effects as you take a higher dosage. Don’t forget to split your dosage daily and engage yourself on a 6 to 10-week cycle!

Stenabolic PCT

Because Stenabolic doesn’t directly suppress or shut down your testosterone levels, there’s no need to undergo a PCT after your cycle. It’s another one of the incredible benefits of using Stenabolic!


Stenabolic is often associated with SARMs when it works totally differently from such compounds. Athletes and bodybuilders primarily use this substance because of its astounding results in terms of rapid weight loss. SR9009 also shows enhancing effects when it comes to endurance and stamina.

Overall, Stenabolic proves to be a powerful supplement that’s very helpful with athletes’ training routines. Remember to purchase this compound from reputable companies to avoid bunk Stenabolic and the compromised effects it comes with.


Stenabolic is originally developed to address metabolic and cardiovascular illnesses, but recreational users take this compound to improve their endurance levels and speed up their fat loss.
SR9009 is a PPAR Agonist, which means it acts in your system right away upon consumption; however, its full effect will kick in after a few days of successfully taking your proper dosage.
Currently, there are no formal studies that contain a recommended dosage. Still, those who use this compound reported that they gained optimum results with a dosage range of 10mg to 40mg.
The short answer is no because SR9009 isn’t classified as SARM. This compound doesn’t disrupt or suppress your testosterone reproduction, so you won’t have to recover from it after your cycle.

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