
You’ve probably heard fantastic things about SR9011, and you wanted to know more information about this popular supplement. This article is here to provide you with just the information you need. Read on to find out more about SR9011, including its benefits, side effects, and regular dosages.
First, let’s go over what SR9011 is.
What is SR9011?
Despite being commonly associated with SARMs, SR9011 is a Rev-ErbA Agonist like Cardarine. According to recreational users, this compound can deliver incredible effects when it comes to metabolism, endurance, and energy levels. Unfortunately, there’s no information regarding its initial object when it was developed because Professor Thomas Burris discontinued its progress. Still, this didn’t stop bodybuilders from using this supplement to their advantage.
How does SR9011 Work?
SR9011 has a close relation to SR9009 (Stenabolic) and Cardarine, mainly because these components all fall under the PPAR Agonist classification. The way SR9011 works is it attaches to the Rev-ErbA receptors present in your system. Upon ingestion, the compound gets straight to its operation by sending signals to your body to boost your endurance, switch energy sources, and increase your fat loss rate.
Is SR9011 Legal?
SR9011 isn’t FDA-approved in terms of human consumption; however, you can purchase it under the label “Research Chemical” so that you can utilize it for personal research purposes only. In Australia, SR9011 is considered as a Schedule 9 Compound; this means that you can’t legally buy and use this substance, even if you have a doctor’s prescription.
On the other hand, most sports events (including the Olympics) have prohibited the use of SR9011 due to unfair advantages. WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency), ASADA (Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority), and USADA (United States Anti-Doping Agency) have also banned this substance.
SR9011 Benefits
There are certainly reasons why most athletes and bodybuilders are raving about this compound. In this section, we listed down the benefits you can experience when you engage yourself on a cycle with SR9011. The good thing is that once you ingest this supplement, it proceeds to work throughout your body immediately.
- Faster Fat Loss
- Improved Endurance
- Boost in Energy
Faster Fat Loss
This benefit is one of the main reasons why recreational users love this substance. Its fat-losing properties are driven by your body’s switch to using fatty acids as your energy source instead of glucose. As a result, you’re burning your fats as you gain muscle mass.
Improved Endurance
With the way that this compound works with your new energy source, drastic changes will affect your endurance and stamina; this means you’ll be able to work out more and train harder in the gym to tone your build.
Boost Energy
Because your body is using a new way to gather fuel, your energy levels increase; this is a significant advantage, especially if you’re trying to spend more time on your training to achieve your muscle-build goal.
SR9011 Side Effects
SR9011 Half-Life
According to supporting studies, SR9011 has a short half-life of 4 hours; this means that you need to split your dosage into three every day for the rest of your cycle. To maintain the compound levels in your system, take the first dose during breakfast, the second during lunchtime, and the last one before bed.
SR9011 Dosage and Cycle Length
Based on anecdotal reports from athletes and bodybuilders, the recommended dose falls between the ranges of 15mg to 30mg daily. Because SR9011 has a short half-life, you should split your dose into three; if, for example, you have the 15mg dosage, you need to take 5mg thrice daily. Additionally, SR9011’s effects heavily depend on how much dosage you take. The higher the SR9011 dose you take, the more you’ll experience its benefits and the corresponding side effects. The longer your cycle lasts, the better results you’ll have. Take note that most users engage in a 6 to 10-week cycle.
SR9011 PCT
You won’t have to undergo PCT after your SR9011 cycle simply because it’s not a hormonal compound. Your testosterone production won’t be suppressed or shut down in any way during the cycle. There’s no reason your body needs to recover on testosterone production once you finish your training routines.
Despite the fact that SR9011 is relatively new, most users already support its claim due to its notable results in bodybuilding. Further clinical studies are yet to be made for this component, but it’s already evident that SR9011 can stand as a potent weight loss agent and muscle mass booster.
Always make sure you’re using real and pure SR9011, only purchase from reputable distributors.
This compound works similarly to Cardarine and Stenabolic, which means it binds to your body’s Rev-ErbA receptors to send signals to your body. As a result, you’ll experience endurance improvements, energy boost, muscle-building, and fast fat loss.