Cardarine (GW501516)



Cardarine, also known as GW501516, is one of the popular supplements among athletes worldwide. People tend to mistake this substance for being a SARM when in fact, it’s classified as a PPAR Agonist or Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor. In this article, we’re going to provide you with an in-depth discussion on Cardarine, its benefits, side effects, and more!

What’s Cardarine?

Cardarine or GW501516 was initially created as an assisting treatment to cardiovascular and metabolism-related illnesses. While that’s the case, most people mix Cardarine with SARMs even though the category isn’t accurate to its initial objective. The reason behind it is that individual users found out that the substance is also useful in providing tremendous changes to one’s endurance and fat loss rate. According to studies and cycle research, Cardarine is a potent compound for improving endurance levels and toning down fats.

How does Cardarine Work?

GW501516 works almost immediately after ingestion, binding to your system’s PPAR Delta receptor and sending signals to your liver to take energy from your fatty acids. Typically, what happens is that glucose is your primary source of energy; in this case, you switch that source into fatty acids, and this process leads to faster fat loss.

We can’t find any other information regarding Cardarine’s clinical efficacy in fat loss because its research was halted in 2007.

Is Cardarine Legal?

Cardarine still hasn’t earned FDA’s approval on human consumption, but it’s completely legal to buy or sell it online. The supplement is categorized under “Research Chemical”, which means you can purchase it for personal research purposes.

Cardarine Benefits

While Cardarine was created to tackle cardiovascular diseases, recreational users and bodybuilders praise this compound for the incredible results of losing fat. Below, we’ve listed down GW501516’s advantages and their explanations afterward:

  • Increased Fat Loss Rate
  • Improved Endurance Level
  • Lean Muscle Development

Increased Fat Loss

As mentioned, people rave about Cardarine because of its fat-losing abilities. Its working process that involves utilizing fatty acids as your body's primary energy source instead of using glucose is the reason for this benefit.

Improved Endurance Level

Again, GW501516 utilizes an alternate energy source for your body once you ingest the supplement. Using fatty acids as your fuel causes a great change in your stamina and endurance level.

Lean Muscle Development

Because your body system won't rely on glucose for energy anymore with Cardarine, you'll lose body fats while enhancing your lean muscles' development.

Cardarine Side Effects

Based on the Australian Department of Health and Cardarine’s corresponding clinical research findings, this compound doesn’t show any severe side effects. There might be a few short-term side effects, but further studies are yet to be done to determine the long-term ones.

While Cardarine caused a health complication on an animal during its clinical test, it’s the condition met during the trial that still made users believe it’s safe. During the trial, the mice were given this supplement with a dosage that’s equivalent to 2/3 of their life. That being said, no one would take Cardarine daily with the dosage that’s equal to that rate, approximately 50 years.

Cardarine Half-Life

Based on Cardarine’s studies, its half-life is 24 hours; this means that you need to take the proper dosage of GW501516 once daily. It doesn’t matter if you let a few hours pass after the exact time you took the supplement; the important thing is you ingest it within the 24-hour period.

Cardarine Dosage and Cycle Length

The dosage for GW501516 follows a set of guidelines; the results of Cardarine depend on the dosage you take. For example, you can expect faster fat loss and more side effects if you took a high dose. Check out the guide below:

  • Beginner: 5mg daily
  • Intermediate: 10mg daily
  • Advanced: 20mg daily

For best results, you can set your cycle between 10 to 12 weeks.

Cardarine PCT

Technically, Cardarine or GW501516 isn’t classified as a SARM; therefore, you won’t need to undergo PCT after your whole cycle.


Cardarine has been developed to be a treatment for cardiovascular illnesses, but it’s later been found that it also works wonders on endurance-boosting and fat loss acceleration. To have the best results with minimal to no side effects, ensure that you’re getting Cardarine to legitimate companies. Lastly, remember that Cardarine is PPAR Agonist and not a SARM; use it accordingly.


It’s highly recommended that you ingest Cardarine 1-2 hours before you start your workout session.
Because the research process for this supplement has been continued, we can’t fully recommend it to you and tell you it’s completely safe to use. After all, it’s still awaiting the FDA’s approval.
As mentioned, this compound is yet to be approved by the FDA; however, it can be legally bought and sold under the category “Research Chemical”.

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